Selasa, 11 Oktober 2016

To be More Human

If I can I will marry those people who look eye to eye while having conversation and keeping their phones in the deepest pocket of their bags.

Pernyataan di atas kudu wajib 'ain di bold, underline dan italic kalau bisa font 72 sekalian.

Celeste Headlee is one of my favorite TED speaker, The brilliant ideas in her speeches are jaw-dropping. No, she is not talking about big fancy things, but she is talking about small, humble, simple but fundamental thing of being a human being; communication.

Our smartphone is not smart enough to help us to communicate, it just helps us to deliver messages. Our presence, empathy, and intention to listen are things we often forget what conversation is all about.

Malas spoiler, mending simak dengan pikiran terbuka dan hati gembira. I have compiled her 3 videos in youtube for you.

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